14 stanzas
4 lines in each stanza
AABB pattern
TELL A STORY using original characters only. Please do not retell a video game or a movie. A new version of Santa Claus is fine. Just don’t take someone else’s story and make it your own.
By Veronica Kangeter
December 16, 2021
T'was the night before Christmas, no one was up,
Not a creature in site, not even the pups.
I tried to go to sleep, but I never slept this late,
And my spirit was slowly starting to faint.
I walked to my bowl for some water to drink,
I heard a loud crash, and it made the water move in the sink
Ashes flew out the chimney, and I heard a voice from above
Someone jumped down the chimney, as silent as a dove.
I hid behind the couch, and the old man looked around,
He placed down boxes, some small canes, without sound.
He moved around and looked over at me,
Then winked, and placed something on the tree.
He walked over to me, and I growled aloud,
Then he smiled and kindly sat down.
He said something in quiet tone,
And placed down a white juicy bone.
For the pups, he gave them their wish,
A bone, and two squeaky toy sticks.
He walked over to the table to eat his cookies and milk
And placed down something made of silk.
It was for my owner, Mrs. Bear,
And I guess it was for her to wear.
I sniffed it, and sneezed,
All I could smell was the cold, winter breeze.
I finally was tired enough, to lay down,
Then he laid down a white winter gown.
It must of been for Linda, my owners friend who moved in with my family,
And he placed it under the light up tree.
I closed my eyes but couldn't rest,
I open my eyes to look at the winter guest.
He smiled once more and placed down a sled,
Right next to my pups and my sleepy head.
I thought to myself, Was this the person I heard from Hana,
Why this must be the one they call Santa!
Hana was my owners daughter in law
She was a nice woman, for she taught me how to shake with my paw.
Then he set down some more boxes and yo-yos and toys
For all the kids, good girls and good boys.
And last of all he set down a long present, as long as me,
And leaned against the dark green tree.
He walked in the hall to see if everyone was asleep,
To my surprise they were all counting sheep.
I wondered how they could sleep at this hour,
All I could feel was a rush of power.
Santa stepped out of the room, turned around, and went back to the living room,
And past the closet with a handful of brooms.
And his last gift wasn't remote control,
But could move around, but not roll.
He went back up the chimney and ashes fly out again,
I wondered when he would come back, just when.
He jumped on his sleigh like he had won a fight,
And said, ¨Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!¨
I fell asleep and woke up the next morning,
But I woke up too early, so it was really boring.
When they woke, they shouted with cheer,
They knew Santa would be there every December, each year.
T’was the Night before the Dance Contest
Zoe Coursey
December 6,2022
T’was the night before the dance performance, everyone was asleep.
Not a sound, not one little peep.
Except for me, a little girl named Izzy.
I was dancing and twirling, getting very dizzy.
I practiced for the dance.
I spun around and pranced.
I wanted to do my best.
I started to get stressed.
What if the judges didn’t like my dance
I had to practice in advance.
I imagined the judges smiling while watching me perform.
Then I heard the wind and realized there was a storm.
I tried not to worry and practiced once more.
I heard a loud snore.
It was just my dad.
It was 12:00 and that was bad.
In only seven hours. it would be morning,
and I would be performing,
I wondered if I would fall while I was dancing.
If I did, everyone would be glancing.
I told myself everything would be okay.
I would do my best, anyway.
I heard footsteps, I thought it was all in my head.
It was actually my mom telling me to go to bed.
I walked to my room on the floor that I needed to sweep.
I got in bed to get some sleep.
The next morning, I practiced some more.
An hour or two passed, and I walked through the door.
On stage, the bright light shined in my face.
The audience was filled with people, my mom , my dad, even my Uncle Chase.
I showed a big bright smile.
I twirled and spun for a while.
It was going really well until I slipped and was about to give up.
I looked at my mom and she just gave me a thumbs up.
I got back up and decided to act like nothing went wrong.
I danced and carried on.
When I was done, I was proud.
The crowd clapped loud.
All my stress went away.
It turned out to be an awesome day.
I walked off stage with no fright.
I realized everything would be alright.
I did very well.
My mom was proud of me, I could tell.
It was finally time to announce the winner,
After that, my mom would take me to dinner.
I hoped I won, but I'd be happy either way.
The judges announced, “Everyone, it's time to announce the winners,okay?”
I stood on stage, after all that spinning, I was very dizzy
The judge said with a smile,” The winner is Izzy!”
I was so shocked that I started to cry.
I wiped my small eye.
The audience cheered.
All my worries disappeared.
My mom came up to me in delight.
She said,”Great performance, now let's go eat ice cream and have a good night!”