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The Wisdom of Tock

"Look, Tock," he cried, "aren't they wonderful?" referring to all the words for sale in the marketplace.


"They're fine, if you have something to say," replied Tock in a tired voice, for he was much more interested in finding a bone than in shopping for new words. (47)


Illustrated by Walker Summerford

4. Confusion in the Market Place


Choose 5 words from chapter 4 that captured your imagination, interest or just looked cool.  Use each word in one sentence correctly. Make it an eye-catching sentence that says something funny, scary, fascinating or simply wonderous. Each sentence must stand alone and show the definition of whatever word is chosen.  Now, that's five different sentences. 


Take a moment to admire each sentence.  Be sure all words are used correctly, spelled perfectly and all grammar is just right. 


Now, illustrate each sentence with it's own setting and characters.  Show the meaning of the word in the sentence with an intriguing illustration in full color. 



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