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Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions


1. Explain how Jamie responded to the request to help Mrs. Houser. 


2. Describe the boys families. How many brother's and sisters and age differences. 


3. Explain what Jamie thought might be fun about working in Mrs. Houser's yard. 


4. Explain Jamie and Martha's relationship.  How does she drive him crazy like a little sister?


5. Explain how the boys felt about Heather. 


6. Explain what Jamie want's to show his little sister.


7. Why is the narrator hesitant to follow Jamie. 


8. Explain why Jamie stuck out his thumb rather than snapping his fingers.  Explain what happened next. 


9. Explain what the driver warned Jamie about as they drove. 


10. Explain what the narrator's mother asked as they came home. 


11. Define "uncanninest." (20)

12. Explain what happened to the beetles during the thunderstorm. 




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