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Static Electricity


A type of magnet that can be turned on and off using electricity.



When magnets with different charges come together we say they "attract" or come together.



When magnets with the same charges come together we say they "repel" or push each other apart.



An object that produces a magnetic field.


Magnetic Field

The invisible space where a magnet can exert its force on another object.


Ferro fluid

A black liquid made up of ultra-tiny pieces of iron mixed in oil. It changes shape in the presence of a magnetic field.


Static Electricity

A type of electricity that can be used to push and pull things at a distance. It is typically made by friction and causes things like dust to be attracted to you.


Electrical Charges

Can be either positive or negative. Opposites attract and the same charges repel.


Van De Graff Generator

A device that creates a large amount of static electricity by rubbing two materials together very quickly.

  • Forces can be applied at a distance through magnetism and static electricity.

  • The closer magnets are, the stronger the force.

  • Magnets can push or pull other magnets, depending on the poles.

  • Electromagnets can be turned on and off with electricity.

  • Static electricity can push or pull things without touching them.

Before Watching Generation Genius Video

  • Can one object apply a force to another without touching it?

  • Do magnets have to touch each other to work?

  • What types of materials do magnets attract?

  • What evidence do we have that magnets exert a force?

Notes from BrainPop Static Electricity


Electricity- is created when ELECTRONS move from one place to another. 


Current Electricity - Steady flow of ELECTRONS through circuits. It is the kind of electricity we use for power.


Static Electricity - Lightening and doorknob shocks are examples

A SINGLE SUDDEN TRANSFER of ELECTRONS. Must have a build up of electrons.


Conductors: Material that allows electrons to flow through easily such as METALS


Insulators: Non conductive materials that do not allow electrons to flow such as cloth and plastics.



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