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These questions will help you think about the important parts of each chapter.

Chapter 1

• How do you know that Marty likes animals?

• Why isn’t Marty’s family allowed to have pets?

• What does it mean when Marty gives the dog a name?


Chapter 2

• How does Marty’s dad react when Marty tells him Shiloh has ticks? • If you were Marty, do you think you would be able to mind your own business regarding Judd and Shiloh?

• How would you feel about having to leave a dog with Judd Travers?


Chapter 3

• What does it say about Judd Travers’s character that he doesn’t name his dogs?

• Do you think Marty should have told Judd Travers that the dog’s name was Shiloh? Why or why not?


Chapter 4

• Do you think Marty was right to take Shiloh and hide him? What would you have done? 18

• Marty does not bring Shiloh back to Judd as he said he would. Is it ever right to break a promise?

• After Shiloh returns, Marty sleeps through the night for the first time in a while. Why?


Chapter 5

• Do you think Marty is right to sneak food from his house for Shiloh? • Judd Travers says, “He wasn’t such a good hunting dog, I would have shot him by now.” What do you think this comment will do to Marty’s determination to keep Shiloh? What would you do?


Chapter 6

• Do you think it’s okay to lie to some people but not to others? Is it okay for Marty to lie to Judd? Is it okay for him to lie to his family? • What does Judd Travers tell Marty in this chapter that helps explain the man’s character?

• Do you think Judd Travers is suspicious of Marty? Do you think you would be?


Chapter 7

• Why doesn’t Marty tell David about Shiloh?

• After asking for more cookies for the walk home to give to Shiloh, Marty says to himself, “Seems I’m at the point where I’ll do most anything for Shiloh . . . and right and wrong’s all mixed up in my head.” Do you think there are any easy answers for Marty? For anyone? 


Chapter 8

• Marty thinks, “Having Shiloh a secret is like a bomb waiting to go off.” Do you think all secrets are like that?

• What do you think is going to happen after Marty’s mother finds Marty and Shiloh on the hill?


Chapter 9

• Do you think Marty’s mother should tell his father about Shiloh?

• Why does Marty feel both relieved and scared that his mom found out about Shiloh?

• How do you think Marty feels about Shiloh getting hurt when he was supposed to be taking care of him?

• What do you think Marty’s dad is going to do with the injured dog?


Chapter 10

• Why does Marty’s dad make Marty tell Doc Murphy what happened?

• Why does Marty’s dad think that Marty must be keeping other things from him?

• How do you know what’s right and wrong? Do you agree with Marty’s dad that you have to go by the law?


Chapter 11

• What are some of the bad things that resulted from Marty keeping Shiloh? • How does Marty feel after he tells David all about Shiloh and what happened to him? Does having a friend to talk with usually make things easier?


Chapter 12

• Why did Marty’s dad make him tell Judd Travers what happened when Judd came and found Shiloh in their house?

• Do you think there’s any chance now that Judd will let Marty have the dog?

Do you think there’s any chance Marty will give him up? Can you imagine any solution to this problem?


Chapter 13

• Do you think Marty is wise to go alone to Judd Travers’s place early in the morning? Do you think Judd would harm Marty?

• How might seeing Judd Travers shoot the young doe help Marty keep Shiloh?


Chapter 14

• Do you think it’s right for Marty to blackmail Judd Travers in order to keep Shiloh?

• How is Marty putting other deer in danger by letting Judd get away with killing this doe?

• Marty says that this is and isn’t the finest day in his life. Why? • Do you think Marty’s troubles with Judd are over?


Chapter 15

• Do you think Marty should have told his mother and father exactly what happened with Judd? What would you have told your parents if you were in Marty’s position?

• Why does Marty feel sorry for Judd? Do you?

• Marty says, “Nothing is as simple as you guess.” Do you agree? What happens between Marty and Shiloh to support this statement?



Thinking about the setting

• Where does Shiloh take place?

• When does Shiloh take place?

• What is dialect? How does the author’s use of dialect help establish the story’s setting?

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