Greek Root Words and Different words made from them
The following is the list of 30 commonly used Greek Roots along with their meanings and the different words made from these Greek Root Words:
1. Greek Root: anthrop
Meaning: human
Root Words: Anthropology, Misanthrope, Philanthrophy
2. Greek Root: aqu
Meaning: water
Root Words: Aquarium, Aquatic, Aquiferous
3. Greek Root: anti
Meaning: opposing
Root Words: antithesis, antibiotic, antidote
4. Greek Root: bio
Meaning: life
Root Words: biographical, biography, biohazard
5. Greek Root : biblio
Meaning: book
Root Words: bibliography, bibliomania, biblioklept
6. Greek Root: byss
Meaning: Bottom
Root Words: abyss, abyssopelagic, hypabyssal
7. Greek Root: chrome
Meaning: colour
Root Words: chromatic, chrome, chromium
8. Greek Root: cosm
Meaning: universe
Root Words: cosmology, cosmonaut, cosmopolitan
9. Greek Root: cylind
Meaning: roll
Root Words: cylinder, cylindroma, pseudocylindric
10. Greek Root: doc
Meaning: teach
Root Words: docile, document, doctrine
11. Greek Root: dyna
Meaning: power
Root Words: dynamic, aerodynamics, dynasty
12. Greek Root: dem
Meaning: people
Root Words: demography, demagogue, democracy
13. Greek Root: exo
Meaning: outside
Root Words: exotic, exosphere, exosome
14. Greek Root: eur
Meaning: wide
Root Words: aneurysm, Europe, eurypterid, microaneurysm
15. Greek Root: eth
Meaning: custom habit
Root Words: ethics, ethology, ethos
16. Greek Root: gam
Meaning: marriage
Root Words: gamete, monogamy, polygamy
17. Greek Root: geo
Meaning: earth
Root Words: geology, geography, geothermal
18. Greek Root: gno
Meaning: know
Root Words: agnosia, agnostic, gnomic
19. Greek Root: gram
Meaning: letter
Root Words: grammar, anagram, hologram
20. Greek Root: hemi
Meaning: partial
Root Words: hemisphere, hemicycle, hemitonic
21. Greek Root: hemer
Meaning: tame
Root Words: hemeroby, hemerochora, hemerophile
22. Greek Root: hero
Meaning: hero
Root Words: heroic, heroine, heroism
23. Greek Root: hydr
Meaning: water
Root Words: dehydration, hydroelectricity, hydrae
24. Greek Root : klept
Meaning: steal
Root Words: kleptomania, kleptophobia, kleptocracy
25. Greek Root: melan
Meaning: dark, black
Root Words: melancholy, melanin, melatonin
26. Greek Root: narc
Meaning: numb
Root Words: narcos, narcotic, narcolepsy
27. Greek Root: od
Meaning: path, way
Root Words: parodos, anode, diode
28. Greek Root: rhe
Meaning: flow
Root Words: rheology, diarrhoea, rhythm
29. Greek Root: strat
Meaning: army
Root Words: stratocracy, stratonic, strategy
30. Greek Root: schem
Meaning: plan
Root Words: schema, schematic, schematize, scheme