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You are a magical broom designer.  Your client is a witch who has several traveling companions. Her buddies include a frog who likes to be clean, a bird who collects things, a dog, and a cat.  Your job is to design a special broom that will hold at least two friends.  More will get you a little extra credit.  


1. Using materials provided, create a broom that will suspend between two chairs, hold at least two candy pumpkins and look like a broom.  Materials are scarce. You will be given one foot of duck tape, straws and construction paper.  Scissors and a glue stick are optional. We will test the brooms in front of the class. 


2. Once the creation of an interesting broom is complete, you will write a persuasive essay.  The point of the essay is to convince the witch to purchase your broom over any other broom.  Using this google classroom document, write to convince the witch by telling her all the amazing details included in your broom.  Be creative.  Your broom could include a secret panel or extra seating or a movie screen.  Expand your mind and play with persuasive writing. 

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