Spelling/ Vocabulary
Chapter 1
residential - used as an area where people live
peered- looked at closely or curiously
dormant- not active but capable of becoming active
drastic- harsh; terrible
Chapter 2
fared- experienced good or bad fortune or treatment
sparsely- not thickly grown or settle; thinly
aromatic- having a noticeable pleasant smell
commotion- noisy excitement and confusion
Chapter 3
festered- became painful or inflamed
mulled- thought about slowly and carefully
urgency- quality or state of needing immediate attention
dumbfounded- amazed
determination – the desire to work through anything to reach a goal.
Chapter 4
winced- moved away from, as in pain or from a blow
amends- something given or received to replace or fix a loss, injury, or damage
Provisions – supplies
Romping – running and playing
Chapter 5
muster- to gather or summon
grit- fortitude; courage
ventured- took a risky or dangerous step