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Chapter 5   V


1.Explain the definition of the word "muster" in the first page of Chapter V. 


2. "On hearing this remark, my heart jumped clear up in my throat. I thought surely if was going to hop right out on the depot platform."  What type of figurative language is expressed in this quote from chapter 5?


3. "My heart started acting like a drumk grasshopper." (41)  Explain the type of figurative language used in this sentence from Chapter 5.


4. Explain what it means about BIlly when he says, "I threw out my chest." (41)  


5.Think about the scene when the boys from town start "like chickens coming home to roost, they flocked around me," Explain what other scene in the book is similiar to this one.  What significance or importance does that give these two scenes?  


6.Explain what the freckled-face boy did that turned Billy's heart.  He had finally had too much. 


7. Identify the type of figurative language used when Billy describes, "I reached way back in Arkansas somewhere. By the time my fist had traveled all the way down to the Cherokee Strip, there was a lot of power behind it. "    Think deeply. Identify the typ of figurative langague used. 


8. Make a list of several siilies used in chapter V. 


9.Explain what the sheriff means when he tells the town kids, "There's not a one in that bunch with that kind of grit." (44)


10. Explain why the author bothers to mention the strawberry pop in Chapter V. 


11.  Describe the difference both physical and mental between the two puppies. 


12. Explain what made the screaming sound in the forest at night and how did each puppy respond differently. 


13. Explain exactly what gave Billy courage that evening. 


14. Summarize Chapter 1-5 using 6 sentences or less. 






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