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Chapter 1 


  1. Explain who is telling the story in the first chapter.  Describe the person using context clues.

  2.  The narrator said, "I raised one of his paws. There I read the story." What does the word "read" mean in this context? How was the man able to "read" a story into what he saw on the dog's paw?

  3. Explain how the man felt when he saw the condition of the hound?

  4. Explain why the man is overcome by a strange feeling when the hound left his home in the darkness.

  5. Explain why the narrator let the hound go and why it would have broken his heart to pen him up.

  6. Describe the dog fight using details from the chapter.

  7. Explain what the narrator saw on his mantle, above the fireplace. 

  8. Estimate how many years have passed since he lived "the story in those cups." 

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