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Chapter 20 or XX



How are you feeling at the end of the novel? Explain story elements you might have changed such as the outcome of the hunt or the ending scene in Chapter 19.Describe meaningful moments. Write this reflection like a book review.Consider your likes and dislikes. Use text evidence to support your comments and suggestions.




Think about the symbolism of the red fern, planted by an angel.


Billy explains that the old Indian legend about he red fern involved a little boy and girl lost in a blizzard. They froze to death.When their bodies were found in the spring, a beautiful red fern had frown up between their tow bodies. Only an angel could plant the seeds of a red fern, and that they never died. Where one grew, the spot was sacred or spiritual.


Think about the symbolism of the two cups on the mantle, in the very first chapter.


“They were sitting there, side by side. One was large with long, upright handles that stood out like wings on a morning dove. He highly polished surface gleamed and glistened with a golden sheen. He other was smaller and made of silver. It was neat and trim, and sparkled like a white star in the heavens.” (page 15)






Explain how the red fern and the two cups are symbols in “Where the Red Fern Grows.” What do they represent? How do they enhance the theme of the story?

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