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XIX or Chapter 19



We have just read Chapter 19, arguably one of the most dramatic chapters in the novel.  Write a reflection about how you feel after experiencing this piece of fiction.  How did the author make you feel something? Use text evidence to support your answer.   Describe how the events of this chapter connect to your own personal life in some way.


  1. “There is a little good in all evil.”  (195)  Explain what this means.  Use text evidence.

  2. Explain why Billy’s Heart “swelled with pride” as Old Dan sniffed around the tree where the lion had been treed. (196)

  3. “If it hadn’t been for their loyalty and unselfish courage, I would have probably been killed by the slashing claws of the devil cat.” (197).   Explain what this means to you as a theme of the novel.  Are there other examples of their loyalty and unselfish courage throughout the novel.  Use text evidence.

  4. Papa tried. “Billy, I wouldn’t think too much about this if I were you. It’s not good to hurt like that. I believe I’d just try to forget it.  Besides, you still have Little Ann.” (200).  Explain how this quote makes you feel.  Explain another time in our novel when Billy was told to “forget” a tragedy.  Explain why you believe the author had his characters respond this way.

  5. Explain how the dogs answered mama’s prayer. Be sure to include how their deaths will play a part in the future of the family. How would life have been different for Billy if the fight with the mountain lion had not happened?

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