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Chapter 15 or XV


  1. Explain what the following means: “with a tarp we made a lean-to and built a large fire out in front of it.” (148)

  2. Explain why grandpa was so surprised that Old Dan wouldn’t eat the corned-beef hash.

  3. Explain the purpose of Papa’s “biscuit story.”  What does Papa say is the theme of the biscuit story?

  4. Grandpa poured coffee for Billy.  Why was this important to him?

  5. Explain why Billy didn’t want to hear an owl hoot.  How did Grandpa feel about Billy’s issue with owls?

  6. Explain what surprised Grandpa and Papa when they reached the camp.

  7. Explain why “the cold fingers of doubt were squeezing” Billy’s heart. (153) How did Little Ann reassure him?

  8. Using text evidence, explain why Old Dan would never win a beauty contest.

  9. Why doesn’t little Ann have any scars?

  10. Each night five sets of hounds will go out on the hunt, each with one judge.  The pair of hounds that tree the most coons will qualify for the championship runoff. The other four are eliminated. ON the following nights, only those hounds tying the first nights score, or getting more will be in the runoff. Now, explain how the hunt must be carried out and the final rules about actually catching the coon. (156)

  11. What are the hunters allowed to bring with them? 

  12. How many sets of dogs have entered the hunt?

  13. Explain how Billy’s overalls made him feel at the hunt. How did the other hunters treat him?

  14. On the second night, all five sets of hounds were eliminated. Explain why.

  15. Explain why Billy thinks he should have left the tent when Grandpa started setting up to shave.

  16. Explain what Billy means when he tells the hunter that “my grandpa has a little steam.” (158)


A Lean-to 

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