June 13, 2018
Hello Reader,
It’s not often that I read a fantasy novel and the minute I put it down I find myself searching the internet for the next book in the series because I know these characters have more to say and do in their world. That’s how I felt about The Quest to the Uncharted Lands by Jaleigh Johnson. Following Stella and Cyrus as they learn to trust while defending their world took me on an imaginative ride through a new world filled with unusual people and surroundings. I won’t ruin a single detail. This author uses emotional dialogue, fast action, and descriptive language to explore the development of a friendship between two people and two worlds. This adventure is worth reading and sharing with a best friend. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
Please share what you think about this novel, whether you agree with me or not. I don’t get a chance to read many fantasy novels. Maybe I missed something important. Let me know. Please send your review to Lester.kimberly@muscogee.k12.ga.us.
Enjoy a fabulous adventure with this one!
Take care,
Dr. Lester