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Prepositional Phrases

5L1a: Explain the function of conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections in general and their function in particular sentences. Prepositional Phrases


Directional Prepositions

Let’s look at the relationship between nouns and verbs. Prepositions connect the two.

She swam across the lake.

Across connects the noun lake with the verb swam.  It tells us where she swam. The prepositions tells the reader the relationship between lake and swam.



The cupcake with sprinkles is mine.

In this sentence, the preposition with helps the reader see the relationship between the noun sprinkles and the noun cupcake. It tells the reader which cupcake belongs to the speaker.


So, what is a preposition?

This sentence diagram shows how the prepositions hook nouns to the rest of the sentence.  These hooks are called objects of the prepositions.  This is a fancy name for the noun or pronoun that follows the preposition.













In this example, apple is the object of the preposition.


 Prepositions of Time 

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