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From Chapter 19

The Threadbare Excuse was a small pathetic figure, whose clothes were worn and tattered and who mumbled the same things again and again in a low, piercing voice. He looked quite harmless and friendly.


Of the Triple Demons of Compromise one was tall and thin, one was short and fat and the third was exactly like the other two. They moved in ominous circles.


The Horrible Hopping Hindsight had cruel, curving claws and was a most unpleasant fellow.


The Gorgons of Hate and Malice were the most terrifying demons of all, who moved like giant, soft-shelled snails with blazing eyes. They moved more quickly than you’d think and left a trail of slime behind them.


The Overbearing Know-it-all was a dismal demon who lurched dangerously on spindly legs and talked continuously.


The Gross Exaggeration has grotesque features, wicked teeth and terribly unpleasant manners. His wicked teeth were made only to mangle the truth.


Dilemma was ugly and came pounding forward in a rush, snorting steam.



The demons are all scary in different ways and they each warn us against certain types of behavior like spending time on worthless activities, speaking untruthfully, pretending to be more than you are, making useless excuses, being unable to make a decision about things and so on.

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