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17. Unwelcoming Committee 

1. According to Milo’s calculations how long would it take to complete the tasks that the pleasant man had given them and what does he use to get his calculations?

2. Who was the pleasant man? 

3. Why does the Terrible Trivium say they must do only unimportant things?


4. Mention any two unimportant tasks that the Terrible Trivium says they could do together.

5.  Where does the voice lead Milo, Tock and the Humbug?

6. Who helped Milo escape from the Terrible Trivium?

7. What lesson do you think Milo learned from his meeting with the Terrible Trivium?

8. What does Milo do to find out how the demon of insincerity really looked?

9. What does Milo learn from his meeting with the demon of insincerity?

10. Where do Milo, Tock and the Humbug land after escaping from the pit?


11. Explain the comparison that is made to the  the Gelatinous Giant?

12. What is the meaning of the phrase “why not leave well enough alone”?

13. What is the one thing that the Gelatinous Giant can’t swallow? Why?

14. Which thought terrified the Gelatinous Giant?

15. Make a list of thoughts that terrify you, personally, just like new ideas frightened the Giant.  Create an illustration to explain a few of your terrifying thoughts. 

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