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Due Date: No later than Wednesday, November 14. We will work with the completed interviews beginning Wednesday.  


Interview a Veteran and share your new learning with the class with a short presentation that we will work on in class with the interview notes. Type the notes in our Google Classroom under "Veteran Interview." 


Use these questions to guide the interview.  There is no need to interrupt the veteran to insure all questions are answered.  If the story gets going, keep taking your notes and use the information to create an interesting presentation.  


Above all, listen.  Let this important individual share his or her military experience.  These stories are important.  Listen.


Guiding questions 


  1. In what branch of the United States armed forces did you serve?

  2. Did you enlist or were you drafted? If enlisted, why did you choose to join the military?

  3. What were your first impressions of military service?

  4. What was your primary job in the military?

  5. Did you serve in any overseas countries or conflicts? If so, where did you serve?

  6. How did you keep in touch with your family

  7. What battles or conflicts, if any, did you serve?

  8. What are some of your fondest memories of your service?

  9. Did you receive any military medals, honors or awards?

  10. What challenges did you face while you were serving

  11. What was your favorite part of being in the military?

  12. What are some of the most valuable lessons that you learned as a result of your military experience?

  13. Do you feel that it is important for us to celebrate Veteran’s Day? Why or why not?

  14. What is the best way to honor or thank a veteran for their service?

  15. Do you have any good accounts or stories that you would share with me?

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