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Old Yeller Movie Theme Song (1957)

Old Yeller was a mongrel
An ugly lop-eared mongrel
Fancy free without a family tree
But he could up and do it
And prove there's nothin' to it
And that's how a good dog should be

Here, Yeller
Come back, Yeller
Best doggone dog in the west

Old Yeller was a hunter
A rarin', tearin' hunter
And when he chased
he knew just how to run
And when he hunted trouble
He always found it double
And that's when Old Yeller had fun

Here, Yeller
Come back, Yeller
Best doggone dog in the west

Old Yeller was a fighter
A rootin', tootin' fighter
In any scrap he knew just what to do
A rough and ready feller
Although his coat was yeller
His bold Texas heart was true blue

Here, Yeller
Come back, Yeller
Best doggone dog in the west

Young Yeller is a puppy
A little old lop-eared puppy
It’s plain to see he’s got a family tree
The image of his pappy
He’s frisky and he’s happy
And that's how a good pup should be

Here, Yeller
Come back, Yeller
Best doggone dog in the west
Best doggone dog in the west

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