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Old Yeller Characters

NARRATOR, 14-years-old 



Papa, Mr. Coates


Momma, Mrs. Coates


Little Arliss, 5 years old.  "Scamp" LIkes to swim in the drinking water.

             "Catch and keep everything that ran, flew, jumped or crawled." (49)


Jumper - a dun mule with a narrow black stripe running along his backbone                  between his mane and tail.  Could jump any fence. Gentle to ride. 


Bud Searcy - "red-faced man with a bulging middle who liked to visit around the settlement and sit and talk hard times and spit tobacco juice all over the place and wait for somebody to ask him to dinner." (68)   Momma said he was shiftless. 


Lisbeth - Bud Searcy's granddaughter.  She watched the boys but did not get involved with their games.  Wasn't bossy. Her eyes would look straight through Travis which made him "jumpy." He never looked straight at her. (69) 


Burn Sanderson - Young, polite cattle man, with a few cattle at Devil's River country. He had several cattle dogs but one was missing. Searcy told him Travis had the dog. 

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