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Old Yeller Chapter 2 and 3 

1. Explain the two different views - Momma's and Travis's - of keeping the stray dog.  Remember, both Momma and Travis argue their own opinions.  Give text evidence supporting each opinion.   


2. Why did Momma serve cornmeal mush? 


3. Explain why Travis couldn't take Jumper close to the Licks when he went hunting for a doe. (23)


4. "She kept doing me that way till finally my heart was flopping around inside my chest like a catfish in a wet sack." (29)  Explain the type of figurative language used in this sentence. 


5. Explain why it made Travis "sick" to shoot the doe.


6. Explain why was not right for Travis to engage in a rock fight with Arliss. (32-33)


7. Travis gives a detailed description of Old Yeller. List as many adjectives as possible that describe the dog through Travis's eyes. 





middling meat (16) Any meat that has been preserved by smoking, salting, drying or curing, such as salt pork, ham, bacon, corned beef etc. can be referred to as "middling meat". "Middling" refers to it being of middle size or grade, not the choicest pieces of meat but not the crudest either


2. rascal (17) 


3. Squawling (18)

4. bellering (18)

5. aggravation (31)

6. venison (34)




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