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Old Yeller Chapter 16

1. Explain why what Lisbeth said about the speckled pup didn't help Travis. (177)


2. Explain what happened to the hydrophobia plague. 


3.Explain how Papa  looked physically after the trail ride.  What did he bring home with him.


4. Travis says, " I didn't feel one way or another about the horse." Explain what has changed to make him so indifferent when at the beginning of the novel, that's all he wanted.  Explain how you might feel at this point. 


5. Explain Papa's advice. "Now  the thing to do is to forget it and go  on being a man." (179)  How would you respond to your parents if they told you this?


6. Explain the incident that Travis said, "loosen something inside me." (180)


7.Explain how you might have ended the novel differently, if you were the author. 

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