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Old Yeller Chapter 10 

1. Travis makes plans to see some of the wild places before he hunts the hogs.  Explain the wild places you might like to visit if you had time. Think about your favorite adventure spot.  If you had the time and the way to travel, where would you like to explore.  Give details about the environment and why you would like to visit.  


2. Reread pages 115 to 120. This should cover the incident with the wild hogs by the bat cave.  As you read, record all active or exciting words.  The author, Fred Gipson, engages the reader with simple but specific word choices.  Think about the action of this scene.  Record the words that jump out at you as meaningful, exciting or new to you.  What words and phrases brought you into the drama? 


3. (122) "Here he was, trying to lick my wound, when he was bleeding from a dozen worse ones. And worst of all was his belly. It was ripped wide open and some of his insides were bulging out through the slit."     Old Yeller is licking Travis's wounds, although he is badly injured himself.  Explain what this says  about his character? Describe Old Yeller's personality. 




searing (119) - adj. Intense


Tush Hog (119) -noun—a long pointed tooth; a tusk. a wild pig.





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