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Published June 2, 2018


Hey Readers,

This is the first book from the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl list that I read this summer. It was a quick read, told from the point of view of a 10-year-old girl named Sussy.  She and her best friend Guy share a pet leopard gecko. The author gives this pet almost human traits as it subtly communicates with the two friends.


This would be considered realistic fiction. The story is honestly a little slow, but it is heartfelt. Lots of symbolism and thoughtful dialogue take the reader through a story of loss and starting over. This author takes time to develop emotional connections between characters with descriptive language and flashbacks. Parents are supportive characters. There really isn't a protagonist in this first person account of a fifth grader learning to be her own person.  I found myself tearing up several times.


If you are a member of the Hannan Reading Bowl Team this is required reading this year.  If not, it's still an excellent example of first person perspective and the use of dialogue to shape a character. 


I'd love to learn what you think after your read this one.  Send me your review and I'll post it right here on our site.  (


Enjoy a great book and share,

:) Dr. Lester

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