Maniac Magee
Chapter 40
1. Explain why Jeffrey's night with the Pickwell's was different this time.
2. Explain what he thought about as he dinned at the West End with the Pickwells.
3. Explain how the Pickwells "fortified" Maniac for his return to the McNabbs. (154)
4. Explain why Maniac no longer takes Piper and Russell to the library.
5. Explain why May meant the boys no longer worried about Maniac's challenges.
6. Explain why Jeffrey didn't just drop the McNabbs all together. (155)
7. Explain how Russell and Piper are like peaches in the sun. (155) ******
8. Explain why Jeffrey "never commanded" the boys. (155)
9. Explain what made the boys "for the first time in their lives, speechless." ( 156)
10. After two nights of sleeping in the park, where did the McNabb boys find Jeffrey. Explain why they came looking for him. (157)
11. On what condition will Jeffrey come?
Chapter 41
1. Explain how the Pickwells felt about Mars Bar sitting with them for dinner.
2. "Remembering how little Grayson had known about black people and black homes. Thinking of McNabs' wrong-headed notions. Thinking of Mars bar's knee-jerk reaction..." (159) Explain why Maniac brought Mars Bar and the McNabbs together. Think deeply.