The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
Quick Review
1. Mr. Tumnus cried and told Lucy he was a bad Faun. Explain why he felt this way.
2. Explain what happened when someone ate Turkish Delight.
3. Explain why the four siblings tried to hide in the wardrobe in the first place.
4. Explain what Mr. Beaver told the children about the Witch's true nature.
5. Explain what Edmund did to the enormous lion statue inside the Witch's courtyard.
6. Explain what happened to the sledge as the Witch and Edmund rode.
7. Explain what Aslan agreed the Witch was entitled to through Deep Magic.
8. Explain what Lucy and Susan saw after they rushed to the broken Stone Table.
9. Explain the advice the Professor gave the children about Narnia.
10. Explain how the Giant Rumblebuffin helped the creatures escape the Witch's courtyard.