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Veterans Day Interviews

November 2020

Interview Assignment

Interviewing My Veteran

By Avah Edgerton

November 2020


        My great uncle, Kenneth Morrell or Kee, served in the United States

Army. He enlisted because he wanted to go somewhere to get away from

home. His first impressions were that it smelled like mothballs. He was a little


        His military job was a helicopter mechanic. He served in overseas

countries like Vietnam. He kept in touch with his family by sending letters back and forth.

He served in the Vietnam war in 1966-1967. “There weren't a whole lot of fond memories,” he said. Except for meeting his wife in Fort Stewart, GA.

        He received several badges and awards, and an Air Medal. Staying alive in Vietnam was the most challenging part of serving in the military.

        Kee’s most favorite part of serving in the military was seeing different parts of the world. Some of the most valuable lessons he learned in the military was to do what you’re told and do a good job. “Lead by example,” he said.

        Kee feels it is important to celebrate Veteran’s Day because, “Veterans need to be recognized,” he says. The best way to honor a veteran is a simple “thank you” and a “welcome home.”



Interview a Veteran

By Lila Hannah

November 10, 2020

        Ernie Hannah, my grandpa, served from 1963 - 1967. He was

in the U.S. Air Force and enlisted only to get an education in trade. His

first impressions of the military was that he was taught to work together

and discipline. The primary job that he needed to do was crash and

rescue. He also served in the Vietnam War. The only way he could communicate with his friends and family was by lots and lots of letters. 

         His fondest memories of serving was serving with a bunch of guys he never met before. He has received medals but can’t remember which ones. The challenges my grandpa faced was putting out the aircraft fires and making sure everyone was out. He said his favorite part of being in the military was the recognition of serving. The most valuable lesson he learned was the importance of working as a team.

          My grandpa feels it is important to honor the veterans because people thank the wounded ,the vets, and the people who died in battle. My grandpa says that you can thank a veteran by just thanking them for their service. 

          A story my grandpa shared with me was when he was in his last year of serving and he almost seriously injured himself putting out an aircraft fire. 

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Veterans Day

By Teegan Ashley


         My dad, Travis Ashley is part of the Army. He enlisted because

he always wanted to be in the Army when he grew up. His main job

on the field was field artillery. 

         The conflicts and places overseas he went were Iraq and

Afghanistan. The conflicts that he was in was operation Iraqi freedom

and operation endure freedom. The way he stayed in touch with us is

by calling on skype, phones, sending letters, and Facebook.

         He says his fondest memories are the friends he made in service. He earned a few awards and badges but the one he told me he got was the combat action badge. The hardest challenge he faced was being away from family and home. 

         His favorite part was flying and jumping out of helicopters. The lessons he learned were comraderies and teamwork. He says it is important to celebrate veterans day because it reminds us of the people that had served before us. The way he thinks is best to thank a veteran for their service is by being polite and saying thank you for your service. 


Interview a Veteran 

Wyatt Butler

November 9,2020

       My uncle, Joey Collins. served in the U.S Air Force National

Guard. My uncle enlisted, because he wanted to do something

fun and exciting. He also needed them to pay for his college.

first impressions of the military is that he thought it was a new and fun adventure. His primary job in the military was a T.A.C.P which means Tactical Air Control Party and he had to talk to pilots and say when to drop bombs from the fighter jets.

       He served overseas in Iraq once in operation Iraqy Freedom. He kept in touch with his family by a satellite telephone, and sometimes he would send letters. Some of my uncle's fondest memories are the friendships he made in the military. My uncle received a lot of metals but the one he had on the tip of his tongue is marksmanship.

 The biggest challenge he faced was that in training he broke his Tibia which is basically your shin. My uncle's favorite part of being in the military is that he enjoyed the pride.

         One of the most valuable lessons that my uncle learned he said was discipline. My uncle feels it is important to celebrate Veterans Day, because he thinks it is a day to represent people who served in the armed forces.

 My uncle said that a good way to honor people who served in the armed forces is that if you see someone that had worked in the military just say a special thanks to honor them. 

         A good story that my uncle told me about is how he got to go to Sadoms castle and sit in the chairs and explore the palace.

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Isaiah Coffey

November 13,2020


My grandfather, Jim Coffey enlisted in the Navy for direction in

life. To him being in Navy boot camp was like being in jail. He

was forced to do everything a certain way. Even though boot

camp was hard, his favorite part of the Navy was being in boot

camp with his friends. Once he passed boot camp he was mainly a teacher, but in the Navy you worked many different jobs.

He never went in the sea or  got on a boat or submarine. He was never in conflict or war. In order to stay in touch with his family, he called them. Being a teacher, his hardest part was learning his part in the Navy. The one thing he learned was to see a job through.

  He believes that we should celebrate Veterans Day. He says this because he wants people to thank the people that died in war and the people that lived but suffered from the war.  He says this is being a good citizen. In the end, he won a conduct award.

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Interview a Veteran

By Ava Conley

November 2020


I interviewed Donald Burton. He enlisted in the United States Army. He

chose to join the  military to make money for college. He had a different

lifestyle, hair short, uniform, going through training, not knowing what to

expect. He kept in touch with his family with letters and phone calls.


His official job was cannon crewmember. He served for three years in Bamberg, Germany. There were no battles because it was all during  peacetime. Some of his fondest memories of service were spent overseas in Germany and in Korea being around a lot of different friends and making good friends.


He has several Army achievement  medals and a lot of other medals were earned.

Some challenges he faced were like being away from family and going to Korea separate times in three years by himself.  Family could not go. His favorite part of being in the military was being around friends, getting jobs done, and being able to travel a lot.


His most valuable lessons learned was learning about teamwork and accomplishing

goals and working with other people from different places around the world. 

Mr. Burton said it is important to celebrate Veterans Day because veterans sacrificed a lot. We should honor people who have served.  He also thinks the best way to honor veterans is to just tell them “Thank you for your service.” He made it through and he is proud of himself.


Gracie Finch

November 2020


Maj. David Lester enlisted in the US Air Force through the ROTC

program. He trained as an Intercept Director. The first impression

was that  he was very green when he made it to his first duty

station to train. 


David had two remote assignments, One in Alaska and one in Thailand. He also had an accompanied tour in Rome, Italy .During his tour in Thailand, He flew as an airborne controller in the Vietnam conflict.


 David kept in touch with his family by mostly a letter but rarely he was able to call his family.  Some of David's fondest memories are the Friendship with his co-workers , And the dedication to the mission in hand. David received medals but for performance of duty.


 One challenge that David faced was that he was trying to raise three children at home while trying to do his best at work sometimes made things tough for him. He said that the remote tours, And being away from family were the hardest.


One of the most valuable lessons that David learned in his time in the military was that This is a wonderful country, and that it's worth defending.


 He thinks that veterans day is important because fewer than 1 percent serve in the military, protecting around 99 percent of the population. The service men and women deserve thanks everyday.


He said the best way to honor a veteran is to stand for the national anthem, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and don't disrespect the American flag.

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Silas Freeman

November 2020


My dad's name is Jason Freeman. He served in the United States Army.

He was enlisted in the Army because his dad was also in the Army.

He wanted to keep the family role to go on. He thought since his dad

was in the army it would be the right thing to do.


When my dad first joined the army his first impression was not that surprising because he grew up in a boys home and had a cot like the Army.


He was in the boys home because his mom had cancer and could not take care of him and his two brothers Mike and Lance. His dad was divorced from his mom and since his dad was in the Army he was away. He had no other choice.


When my dad was in the military his job was a Forward Observer or Scout. What scouts had to do was to camouflage in the forest and report if they saw or heard anything. When he was a scout he went to the war and served in Kuwait and Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom One. 


At that time he was single and had no family to write home to. He did the six months that were required and stopped right before to be very fortunate not to serve in any combat during O.I.F. When he was done It was the best four years of his life. He was able to enjoy opportunities as a single G.I. The memory that really stood out was The Army Commendation Medal for his honorable service in Iraq. 


The challenges he had to face before when he was serving was he had to get used to a different lifestyle and learn how to become a soldier. Lessons my dad also learned were that it takes courage, bravery, and selfless service to serve our country and made him appreciate America more. One of my dad's favorite parts of being in  the military was being able to see another country very different than his own. 


Stories my dad would like to share included when he would always play tricks on the rookies that came in. He also really enjoyed being able to drive the many different vehicles in the Army and also seeing how other people lived on the other side of the world. My dad thinks the best way to honor veterans is to tell them thank you and take time to have an open conversation with them to think back to about their time in the Military. My dad thinks it is important to celebrate Veterans Day so we do not forget the sacrifice of many of the veterans who died to provide the freedoms we all enjoy. 


Veterans Day project speech

By Ariel Golding


My grandpa, Roddy Canus, was in the US Navy. He is no longer

in the Navy. He enlisted into the Navy because he wanted to serve

his country. He wanted to fight for freedom. 


His first thought to join the Navy because it was different from regular life. Way different. He wanted to serve his country. He never gave up and just stuck with it. No matter how hard it was or how different it was. He wanted to fight for freedom.


What he worked for in the Navy was he was a gunners mate. What gunner mates do is they work on guns. That's what my grandpa in the Navy.


He served during the Vietnam war and in the Middle East war. He had to keep in touch with family and friends or they would be worried sick about him. He kept in contact with them as much as he could. He would use a telephone to communicate with them to hear them every once in a while. Another way he kept in touch with family and friends is he wrote letters to them and they wrote letters back. Although it felt great to be out on sea, it was not good when you were out for long periods of time when something is going on.

One of his fondest memories is when he would be out on sea. The sea was calming. It felt great to be on a boat out on sea rocking back and forth. Hearing waves. It felt great. My grandpa got a medal. It is the National Defense medal.


His favorite part of the military is knowing that he is doing this for his country and his family is safe back at home.


A  lesson he had learned of being in the military is friendship and brotherhood. He would have never met one of his greatest friends he knows today.


He saids yes, we should celebrate veterans day because all the veterans deserve it. He says the best way to thank one of our veterans is tell them thank you for your service. He does that every time he sees one.


The last thing he was to share with you is he got to climb the rock of Gibraltar. The rock of Gibraltar is a 426 meter high limestone rock rising out of the sea. It is in the British Overseas Territory.

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My Veteran Interview Project

By Teagan Meekins

November 2020


My father, Kristopher Lindsey Meekins,  served in the Marine Corps.  He

enlisted and he chose to be in the military because there was no clear path

out of high school.  He took a position as an armorer.  He got in touch with

his family by using phones and letters.  

He served in the Operation Desert Storm.  Some of his fondest memories were making friends and hanging out with the fellas.  He received some combat medals and marksman awards. 

 He had to face some challenges like getting used to dealing with the pressure of military life, very stressful.  His favorite part of being in the military was the pride that it instilled.  He was among the few, the proud, and the brave.  

Some valuable lessons he learned was how to be accountable, respectful, honorable, and to follow duty.  He feels that it is important to celebrate Veterans Day because the military takes a heavy toll.  It is important to be reminded of that, he insisted.  The best way to honor a veteran is to honor the flag, offer hands up, not hands out.  

He has one account he would like to share. “Just being in the thick of things and having true brothers and sisters that were willing and ready to lay down their lives for you.”  The Marine Corps has been working hard to protect our country, so we can have freedom.  They don’t have to fight, but they choose to, putting others before themselves.  We need to honor the bravery and courage this takes.


Tripp Pincince

November 2020


Papap enlisted in the United States Air Force because he

always wanted to serve in the military and he wanted to

learn more in college. When he first joined, he thought that

the military was strict, and he said that they wanted him to

do everything with absolute perfection. His main job was to calibrate the jets and bombers, test them, and make sure the bombs landed in the correct place.

While in the Air Force, he traveled to South Korea and assisted in the Cold War. He then went to Germany. He even went and helped in England. He got the Marksmen Token for good accuracy, and a pretty huge honor called a ‘On The Spot Promotion’ and became a General. Along with all of that, he also got the meritorious awards


Some of his fondest memories are meeting civilians from other countries, being with Air Force friends, and being in new and unknown places for him. He also adored the excitement being in the military brought him. Being in the military taught him that not everybody does things good. He thinks you should celebrate Veterans Day because of the sacrifices they do. 


According to my Papap, he says the best way to thank someone for their service is to give them thanks and a handshake. One of the coolest things is that he never thought he would be on opposite sides of the world, but here he was halfway across the world from home.

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 Michal Anderson

 By Savannah Sims


My Papa Michal Anderson was in the US Navy as an electrician and a combat

diver. He served in the Vietnam War, Bay of Pigs, Falkland Islands, Grenada,

Pearl Harbor and UN Troops. 


He enlisted into the military because it was always his dream since he was a little

boy. He told me that his first impression was “I love it!” 


My Papa Michal would use the Watch line and letters to stay in touch with our family. He also has Vietnam metals, two bronze stars, four unit citations, three Navy combinations, expert in pistol and rifle and two dives at 1,000 feet for 30 days at a time.


The hardest thing for him was staying alive when he was in the military. But his favorite things were getting letters from home and being with his friends. 


He learned that you should always trust and make strong friendships when in the military. He thinks that we should celebrate freedom on veterans day because that is why people are in the military. We should say “Thank you” to all veterans on Veterans Day. 

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Walker Summerford

Interview Speech


I interviewed Mr. Gary from my church. He was in the United States Air

Force (USAF). He enlisted into the Air Force, because he had 6 brothers

in the military, and he liked the Air Force. His first impressions on the

military were that he loved the uniforms, and the discipline taught, but

he was a little frightened. 


Mr. Gary’s primary job was a Flight Traffic Controller. He served overseas in Japan, England, Germany, and Spain. He kept in touch with his family by letters. His fondest memories were basic training, and England, because it was a beautiful country. 

He received the Marksmanship award, Freedom Medal, and he got the Airman of the month award a couple of times. 


Mr. Gary’s Favorite part of the Military was his Job, he loved it. One of the most valuable lessons he learned was to work with others as a team. He thinks that we should celebrate Veterans Day because we need to recognize the sacrifices that they made.  He says that the best way to honor a Veterans is what the country is doing now like cheaper things for military people. 


Mr. Gary said that he met a Fearless Captain named Billy Ranson who was a great example and a great Christian man. He was a great trainer on things. He won the Silver Star for Bravery and always kept a Bible with him. He did fearless things. 

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Ella Tinsley


Sam Curry’s Account 

November 10,2020


Sam Curry enlisted in the United Air Force Guard. The reason

for that was because most of the jobs in his area were cut out. 


He described how hard it was in the military and how they told you what to do and where to go.  He said, “They Take The fun Out of life.” His main job was being an Aircraft Master, and  a loadmaster. He was in the Vietnam  war, The Grenada war, The Panama war, Operation Desert Storm, Iraq war, and Afghanistan.


It was very hard to talk to his own family, he said. He only got a few chances here and there to check in on a phone and make sure everyone is okay.


His favourite memory of being in the military was helping people and seeing how others were helping others, when times were hard.


Sam explained that he would get a few badges every now and then for achieving things. It wasn't often though. He constantly worried about going into the unknown and thinking about family and friends back at home.


A valuable lesson he learned while in the military was seeing how great this country really is.  He thinks we need to support Veterans Day every year so we remember those who have fought for us and so we don’t repeat mistakes we have made in the past. He says the best way to thank a veteran is to bring a friend to a Veterans Day Parade and show some support. He said when they were in the military they would go and be transported to help people who couldn’t help themselves, and provide medical and dental care. “It felt good to help others.”

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Veterans Day Speech

November 2020

By Makena Wilkins


My Papa, John Phillipe Meng was in the United States Marine Corps. He

was enlisted because it was something he always wanted to do just like his

oldest brother and father. He went to North Carolina and Whidbey Island.

His job was to fix airplanes for the Marines. He loved his job. His first

impression was boot camp. He hated it. He was glad when it was over. 


He earned the Good Conduct Medal and the Meritorious Unit Station Award. The hardest thing about being in the Military was being away from all his family. 


He thinks it is important to celebrate Veterans Day because some people fought and died for our country. It honors all the people that have once served for our country. He thinks we should live the right way and appreciate them by honoring all the veterans that have fought for our country. His most valuable lesson is hard work pays off and you must get an education.


He kept in touch with his family with letters and phone calls. His favorite part of being a Marine was that he got to live in North Carolina and Whidbey Island. His job now is at Gulfstream. He still gets to enjoy fixing airplanes. Sometimes he even flies some of the planes.


Braylon WIlliams

November 2020


 My granddad, Mr. Elijah Lewis Jr, was drafted in the United States Army for

four years. He did not like it but he had to go to join the Army. His primary job

was a mechanic and he liked to see people when he traveled.  He fought in

Germany which was overseas. 


 He received 2 medals while in the Army. Granddad Lewis stayed in touch with

his family by mail. The challenges he faced was being away from his home and his family.


Granddad Lewis said that it is very important to celebrate Veterans Day.  He said when you see a veteran wave or say hey to them. Uncle Lewis' best memory in the Army was getting off the job and the  friends he had while in the Army.  


Jacob Williams

November 13, 2020


Andrew Lane is a U.S Army Veteran. He was born in a military

family so his impressions of the military was a natural way of

living to him. Then when he got older he enlisted in the Army

because that’s how he wanted to serve our country. 


His primary job in the Army was an information specialist which means he reported where war was that was threatening the U.S. He served in Germany, Iraq, and Somalia and fought in the first major foreign crisis, Desert Storm. When it was possible he would try to keep in touch with his family by phone calls.


After Desert Storm, he earned many badges such as “Combat Action, ”National Defense Service,” “Iraq Campaign,'' “Expert Rifleman,” and “Expert Pistol.” He told me his favorite part of being in the Army was being able to serve our country and meeting new people. He said that the Army taught him how to be disciplined and  how to handle various decisions in everyday life. The best memories of being in the Army for him was being able to visit different countries around the world and working with soldiers from different parts of our country. One of the challenges he faced when he was in the Army was making life changing decisions and not being able to see his family. 


He says it is very important to celebrate Veterans Day because he wants everyone to recognize the veterans that risked something and those who risked their lives. He told me that the best way to honor a Veteran is just a simple ‘thank you”. His advice if you want to join the military is that there are many good benefits, but it can also be very dangerous during a time at war.  


Ryan Williams

November 11, 2020


My aunt Tanisha Nicole enlisted in the United States Navy. Her first

impressions  were that she wouldn’t like it and that it would be hard.

Her primary job in the military was administration (yemae). My aunt

said she served in the U.S. however she was deployed overseas for

almost 13 months. She kept in touch with the  family by email and Facebook occasionally. There was video calling when the ship landed in a port.


There were no battles during Tanisha’s time of service. Some of her fondest memories of her  service were enjoying food from different cultures overseas. She has several awards and medals including the Navy Marine Corps, an achievement medal and the “E” medal. The biggest challenges were getting used to being away and missing out of valuable family time. My aunt said her favorite part of being in the military was getting to know people and learning life lessons that followed her throughout  her life.  She also learned to depend on your team and take responsibility.


  My aunt said that Veterans Day is important because it gives value to those who put their life on the line in order to protect the country.  My aunt said the best way to thank a veteran is to treat everyone with the same caliber of respect and to make the US a better place for all.

Tanisha doesn't really have any stories to account. Another favorite moment was experiencing a “steel beach picnic.” It was a celebration for the individuals on the ship when they went longer than 45 days without visiting a  port. It included several games, barbecues and great music 

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