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Exaggeration for Effect 

Hyperbole is an exaggeration used for emphasis or humor. This literary tool may make a story more interesting. To say you were bored to tears, even when you were never really near crying, is a much more creative way to say "I'm bored."  Now please understand, lying is not  encouraged. But stretching the truth can be a lot of fun at times.

Hyperbole to Express Desperation

  • If I can't get a smartphone, I will die.

  • My mom is going to kill me.

  • These dress shoes are killing me.

  • This is so boring, just kill me now!

  • It was so cold I saw polar bears wearing jackets.

  • My mom works her fingers to the bone.

  • It feels like my birthday will never come.

  • I had a ton of chores to do.

  • I'm so hungry I could eat a horse.

  • It's so hot you could fry an egg on the sidewalk.

  • We used to walk 15 miles to school in the snow, uphill.

  • You could have knocked me over with a feather.

  • ​

Hyperbole to Exaggerate Expense

  • Our new house cost a bazillion dollars.

  • We don't have two cents to rub together.

  • The church was decorated with a million flowers.

  • He's got tons of video games.

  • ​

Hyperbole to Exaggerate Time

  • Grandpa is older than dirt.

  • Old Mr. Smith has been teaching here since the Stone Age.

  • My dad is always working.

  • I've told you a million times not to do that.

  • We waited for centuries for the latest game to be released.

  • It will only take me two seconds to get there.

  • You're walking slower than a snail.

  • Carrie never stops talking.

  • I'm going to stay awake all night to catch Santa Claus.


Hyperbole in Ads

Kids see advertisements all the time and many contain hyperboles. Here of some examples of hyperboles in advertising:

  • AT&T - Reach out and touch someone.

  • Citgo - They're at every turn.

  • Citi - Citi never sleeps.

  • Disneyland - The happiest place on earth.

  • Esso - Put a tiger in your tank.

  • Energizer - Keeps going and going and going.

  • Geico - It's so easy, a caveman can do it.

  • Oscar Meyer - It doesn't get better than this.

  • Redbull - It gives you wings!

  • Sherwin Williams - Cover the earth.

  • Visa - It's everywhere you want to be.


The difference between metaphor and hyperbole is trust. Metaphor comes with trust, hyperbole comes with lack of it.

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