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NACA   (noun)

Beginning in 1935, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, which later became NASA, hired hundreds of women


convention (noun)

a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity. May also be a meeting or gathering place.


Arithmetic (noun)

the branch of mathematics dealing with the properties and manipulation of numbers.


Distinguished (Adjective)

successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect.


Supersonic (Adjective)

a speed greater than that of sound


Levy (VERB)

To collect, gather or demand


Deprive (VERB)

deny someone the possession or use of something.


Maneuver (NOUN)

a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.  Great planning may be involved


Charismatic (Adjective)

Charming; inspiring devotion in others

This describes a very cool person that everyone wants to hang around.


Computer (NOUN)

This job title described someone who performed mathematical equations and calculations by hand starting in 1935.

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