Chapter 18 With All Deliberate Speed
1. Explain what the group of engineers and female computers, the Flight Research Division and PARD, the rocket specialists decided their first space mission needed to be named. Explain the first challenge.
2. Explain why the state of Virginia had the most embarrassing reputation.
3. Explain why the governor of Virginia allowed 13,000 students to stay home from school in the fall of 1958.
4. Explain what it means to "defund" the school system.
5. Explain Katherine Goble Johnson's reaction to segregated schools for her own children.
6. Explain the characteristics of an astronaut candidate required by the Mercury Mission. These people would become the Mercury Seven.
7. Explain what is meant by the term "flight trajectories."
8. Katherine Goble Johnson's job was similiar to what other specialization.
9. The first spacecraft would not have any propulsion of its own. Explain how Katherin Goble Johnson's work impacted the first spacecraft flight.

"Tell me where you want the man to land, and I'll tell you where to send him up."
- Katherine Goble Johnson, 1958