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Great Depression and The New Deal

SS5H3 Explain how the Great Depression and New Deal affected the lives of millions of Americans

a. Discuss the Stock Market Crash of 1929

Herbert Hoover

Franklin Roosevelt

The Dust Bowl

Soup Kitchens


B. Analyze the main features of the New Deal.  Include

Civilian Conservation Corps

Works Progress Administration

Tennessee Valley Authority


C. Discus cultural elements of 1930s

Duke Ellington

Margaret Mitchell

Jesse Owens


SS5E2 Describe the functions of four major sectors in the U.S. Economy

a. Describe the household function in providing resources and consuming goods and services.

b. Describe the private business function in producing goods and services.

c. Describe the bank function in providing checking accounts, saving accounts, and loans.

d. describe the government function in taxation and providing certain public goods and public services.

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