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Posted on Facebook on June 3, 2021


Thank you again to everyone who has reached out. I’m very sad to say that my sweet Piper passed away today while sitting on my lap on the porch in the warmth of the sun- his favorite spot. I love that orange lizard. I’m having a hard time but I’d rather celebrate my sweet boy and the relationships he bridged with my students and colleagues during our six years together.


I adopted him when he was a year old. We shared kids in four different schools over the years. He came home from school with me every night. He even went on family camping trips and beach weeks.


It sounds silly to some, but that little 18-inch lizard was a huge part of my life. I remember giving a speech at a conference with him on my shoulder. Then later, during that same conference, the teachers in my writing session passed him all around the room. He loved it.


In my classroom, there was nothing better than bringing my kids to a circle on the carpet and everyone feeding him a worm from their hands. He even visited other classrooms and made friends at bus dismissal and at breakfast duty in the cafeteria. Kids loved him. Many adults feared him, but they got over it...eventually. I remember once a school official visited one school and specifically asked to meet Piper. Not me. Piper. Their meeting was precious.


He never bit a child, although I might not have blamed him a few times. He calmed kids and made them feel safe. I remember a wonderful autistic child who would come to my room to see Piper whenever he was feeling overly anxious. The entire faculty knew to send him to Piper whenever he needed a break. He would walk in without interrupting us, and just sit with my sweet Piper. Helped him every time.


Many teachers have quietly wander into my classroom, hand wrapped around a tiny one who just needed a special friend at that moment. My classroom kids have always been understanding about sharing Piper with others.


My sweet bearded dragon meant the world to me. I want to believe my many classroom kids will have fond memories of him as well. There are those who will roll their eyes and never understand the gift of a small pet. Piper was one in a million. I love you sweet friend.


Again, thank you to everyone who reached out. You understand. Much love to you all.

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