Before Reading
1. What is the name of the publishing company?
2. Where was the book primarily published?
3. What is the copyright date?
4. Explain the dedication.
5. Summarize pages 1 -5. Explain why the author included these two different parts.
6. Think about the title. Explain what it means.
Read through Chapter 10 (pages1-40) and answer the following questions.
1. Gary Barnett from the Coast Guard helicopter threw a pump-can down to the girl. The pump-can held food, blankets, and first aid. Gary claimed that "most people run toward the can." The girl "ran away from it." Explain why she ran from the can.
2. Explain what Mila compares a promise to on page 28. Why does she feel this way?
3. Explain why Mila believes Dr. Beck thinks she is a "stupid fish." page 29
4. Explain why Mila believes there are whales in her tiny room (page 31)
5. Explain how Mila feels about Sandy going away to take care of her sick father. Include Mila's understanding of the idea of "family." ( 33--35)