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Music of Dolphins

Chapters 21-30

1. Explain what Mila means by "In the sea, we go where we want"  and "We go there because we like to go there." (73)  Compare that to Sandy's idea of territory as a "place where you belong, a place belonging to you."  Think deeply.

2.Explain why Mila feels sad for humans. (73)

3. Explain how Mila sees walls. (74)

4. Mila says, "I want Shay to make progress." (75) Explain what Shay needs to do to be considered "making progress." 

5. Explain how Mila compares music to her feelings. "The music makes these different feelings inside me, too" What are the feelings. (76)

6. "When I am not playing, I feel a tightness inside me, like when the sea grass catches my feet and I cannot break free." (78)  Explain what this statement means. 

7.Explain why Dr. Beck doesn't want Mila to talk to Shay in dolphin, with her nose sound. (79)

8.Explain how Shay improved since Mila joined her at the house. (80)

9.Explain what Mila finds in the radio that Justin gave her. (80-81).

10. Explain why Shay uses her hands only to eat. What does this say about Shay? (83)

11. Explain why Mila's hands are important to her. (83)

12. Explain what Mila remembers about "The Dolphin Time." (84)

13. Mila spent 13 years with a pod of dolphins.  Explain how this compares to how Shay was raised. (85)

14. Explain why Mila says dolphins might be a lot like humans. (86)

15. Explain why Mila's journal is so important to Dr. Beck. (87)

16. Read these two pages again. Explain how Mila was able to join the pod of dolphins. (92,93)


17.  Read pages 94 and 95 again.  Explain Mila's relationship with the dolphin family.  Explain how the night is different than her life in the water during the day.  Be specific. 


18.  Explain what is meant by "The sea is a living music." (96)

19.  Explain what is meant by "All the time talking inside each other, outside each other." Think deeply (96)

20. Explain what type of figurative language the following statement represents, "Always the water asks if I would like to come deep and deeper." (97)

21.Explain how Mila's dolphin family "takes care" of her. (97)

22. Explain how being human was a benefit to her dolphin family. (97)


23. Describe the men from the cay. (98)

24.  Explain how Mila feels about her connection to the dolphins. (100)

25. (chapter 37)  Explain why Mila describes a television as "everything is trapped behind a wall of glass.) (101)

26. Explain how Mila feels when she sees Doctor Beck and Sandy inside the television. (102-103 and 105)  Why does she think they believe she is "stupid." (104)

27. " I am happy not to be that girl.  But I am that girl." Explain this. (107)

28.  "IF they have that, do they have all my other rememberings too?" (107) Explain this. 

29.  Explain why "the man" with the bucket "makes a sound like the dolphin in trouble." (109)

30. Explain why Mila beats her hands against the door and suddenly feels trapped in a net. (110)


31.  Explain why Mila asks "Do they all have fear of me? In my dolphin family I was free... Now I have a locked door...  I do not have enough words for what I feel now." (111-112)

32. "Please let me go there. Doctor Beck looks away. Sandy says, What have we done?" (113)  Explain what has been done. 

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