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6 Don't Fly, Daisy
1. What does "Don't Fly, Daisy" mean? Explain the meaning and who is saying it to Daisy.
2. Explain what Daisy means by "ten Micahs."
3. Explain what Daisy means when she says Colonel Victor is "here, not gone." (page 53)
4. Explain what Daisy is describing when she says something is "Heaven on a tabletop." (page 53)
5. Explain the meaning of the metaphore Daisy uses when she says "Anna is also a fence." (page 53)
6. Explain what you think Daisy means by "solo misery." What might Colonel Victor be talking about? How was Anna also part of the solo misery?
7.Explain why "This is worth the Stay." (56)
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