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Chapter 8 

Disobedience Tastes Like Dry Leaves


1. Explain the title. of this chapter.

2. Explain why Daisy compares Alex's words to a pigeon. "Birdie Alex" 

3. Explain why Micah ignores Daisy's Superpowers. 

4. Explain what is happening that "darkens" Victor. (68-69)

5. Why does Daisy stop turning on and off the light switch?

6. Explain who Daisy blames for her anger issues.  What could that mean about Daisy's past?

7.  Who is "the meat man?"

8. Who doesn't like parks?

9. Explain why Alex must lecture Victor about being a team. (72)


10. Contrast and Compare Daisy and Colonel's response to being at the park. How are they similar and different?


11. List the 5 needs of humans and dogs. (75)

12. Explain why Daisy disobeys Alex and runs in the leaves.

13. Explain "inconsistent." Both the dog and the pack are called Inconsistent. 


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