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Chapters 5-9  


Reading 2: The Author’s Craft (word choice)

Discussion questions:

  • Why does One Eye bother to care for his cubs?

  • Why is White Fang so obsessed with the wall of light? What does it represent?

  • How would you describe White Fang’s personality at this point in the novel?

  • Why does Kiche submit to the rule of humans?

  • What makes White Fang conclude that the humans are gods?

Key element: word choice

Key terms for word choice:

  • Figurative language (metaphors, similes, idioms, understatement, etc.)

  • Connotations (the feelings and associations of words)

  • Mood

  • Tone (the attitude of the speaker toward a subject)

  • Imagery / sensory language (our five senses)

  • Sense of time and place (dialect, terminology, and references)

  • Allusion

  • Sound devices (alliteration, parallel construction, repetition, etc.)



Lesson closing:

What is the overall mood created by the word choice in White Fang? Use examples from the text in your answer.

Demonstrate your mastery of imagery. Describe a person, place, or object in detail by focusing on creating powerful imagery / sensory language. What feelings do your words create?

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