Chapters 5-9
Reading 2: The Author’s Craft (word choice)
Discussion questions:
Why does One Eye bother to care for his cubs?
Why is White Fang so obsessed with the wall of light? What does it represent?
How would you describe White Fang’s personality at this point in the novel?
Why does Kiche submit to the rule of humans?
What makes White Fang conclude that the humans are gods?
Key element: word choice
Key terms for word choice:
Figurative language (metaphors, similes, idioms, understatement, etc.)
Connotations (the feelings and associations of words)
Tone (the attitude of the speaker toward a subject)
Imagery / sensory language (our five senses)
Sense of time and place (dialect, terminology, and references)
Sound devices (alliteration, parallel construction, repetition, etc.)
Lesson closing:
What is the overall mood created by the word choice in White Fang? Use examples from the text in your answer.
Demonstrate your mastery of imagery. Describe a person, place, or object in detail by focusing on creating powerful imagery / sensory language. What feelings do your words create?