The Law of Club and Fang
Chapter 2
Appeasingly /appeasement- adv./n. trying to please
Antagonist - the adversary or bad guy.
Belligerent - aggressive, threatening
Cadence- n. beat or rhythm of movement
Consternation -noun /feelings of anxiety, typically at something unexpected.
Disconsolate- adj. hopelessly sad
Draft animal- adj./n. an animal used for hauling heavy loads
Fastidiousness- n. carefulness in all details
Gaunt- adj. haggard and emaciated Ignominiously- adv. shamefully
Introspective- adj. given to private thought
ignominiously - causing public disgrace or shame
Malignant- adj. actively evil in nature
Malingerer- n. one who pretends to be ill in order to escape work
Placatingly- adv. appeasing, giving in easily
Primordial- adj. primitive
Reproof- n. scold
Retrogression- n. the act of deteriorating
In a trice - Very quickly
Vicarious- adj. substituted from one thing for another.
Spitz - leader
Dave - Wheeler / leave alone
Buck -
Billee - weaker brother
Joe - belligerent brother
Sol-leks - Angry one / leave alone
Pike - clever thief
Dub - Awkward blunderer
Perrault - courier for the Canadian Government
Francois - dog driver
1. Explain what Buck learned after watching what happened to Curly?
2. Explain what Buck vow never to allow to happen to himself .
3. Explain both Spitz and Dave's roles as they drove the sled.
4. Describe the personalities of the two new dogs on the team.
5. Explain how each of the other three greeted the two new dogs. Be very specific, especially when describing how Spitz handled the two new comers.
6. Describe why Spitz responded to Sol-lek as he did.
7. Explain the one peculiarity about Sol-leck.
8. Explain the ambitions of Sol-leck and Dave.
9. Explain how the author presents a very strong note of foreshadowing in this chapter during the discussions of the personalities of Sol-lek and Dave.
10. Why does Buck try to sleep in Francois and Perrault’s tent? Explain how he learns where to sleep.
11. Explain how Dave and Sol-lek change when harnessed.
12. Explain why Buck was placed in-between Dave and Sol-lek on the team.
13. Explain why Buck lived with "perpetual hunger pangs" but the other dogs did not.
14. Explain what caused the decay of Buck's "moral nature." List the many other things that had changed within Bucks personality.
14. Explain why Buck would not run from a fight, and would now steal food.
15. Describe how Buck has changed from a domestic dog.