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by Rafe Martin


The Story 

Page 1


What is the “story” behind Ardwin? Why does he ask Marjorie to tell it?


 2. What is Ardwin dreaming about? What does this imply about Ardwin’s desires?

 3. If Marjorie didn't live the story, how did she find out about it?  

4. Explain who tells the story behind Ardwin's wing to the reader. 

5. Explain why all six brothers don't stay together throughout the novel. 



page 19


1.What does Ardwin want to learn? How does Ardwin’s father treat Ardwin’s condition? How does Ardwin prove otherwise?

 2. Why does Peter Sharpshins take Ardwin as an apprentice? Are you like Ardwin in this respect? Explain.

3. How do you think Ardwin being taken in as an apprentice will help him in later situations? Page 25 

4. Why do you think Ardwin wants to learn to shoot a bow? Page 19

5. How does a swan wing make Ardwin stronger? 



page 26


1. How did Conrad show he was “unsportsmanlike”?

 2. How does this proverb, “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” apply to this story? Does it agree or disagree? Explain.

 3. What does the snake represent?

 4. How did Ardwin challenge himself? Why do you think he does this?

 5. How does his brother Bran feel about his time as a swan? Why do you think he doesn’t feel the same as Ardwin?

 6. What is Orone, the Hunter? What does it represent?




page 52

  1. What is the condition that King Lugh must accept? What do you think this means?



page 58

  1. Why does Ardwin feel betrayed? Should he feel this way?

2. How had Ardwin’s father remained loyal to his son?


Farwell, Prince Freak

Page 67


  1.  What is the significance of the title of the chapter?



Page 74


  1. What do we learn about the death of Alisoun’s husband? How did Ulfius react?



page 80


  1. How had Belarius harmed himself by his invention? How does he react?

2. What does it mean to have integrity? In what ways do you show integrity? In what ways does Ardwin?


Roses Are Very Red 

Page 83

  1. How does Rose react when Ardwin calls himself a freak and cursed? Are her actions justified? Explain.



The Truth

page 104


 1. How do Conor and Ardwin get along? How do you know?

2. What gifts did Rose and Conor give Ardwin? How did it make him feel?

3. What does Ardwin find at the end of the chapter? How do you think he will react?



The Truth

page 104


1.  How do Conor and Ardwin get along? How do you know?

2. What gifts did Rose and Conor give Ardwin? How did it make him feel?

3. What does Ardwin find at the end of the chapter? How do you think he will react?



Mad Ulfius

Page 116


  1. What does Ulfius demand? Why?

2. What does Mr. Bluestone see? What might this foreshadow?


Of Spears and Toast

page 119


Let it Go

page 133


1.  What did they let go? What dies Ardwin mean when he says, “He felt as if she was fixing his image in her mind”?



Swan Home

page 138



  1. What did Ardwin face before getting to Swan Home?



The Wild

page 148


  1. Do  you think is hard for Ardwin to make his decision? Give two reasons.




page 152


  1. How did the Swans treat Ardwin? Provide two examples from the text. What can their treatment be compared to?

    2. Who did Ardwin befriend? How is he like Ardwin? How does he “help” Ardwin?



page 169


  1. What is the significance of the title of this chapter?




page 114


  1. Do Skye and Stephen feel relief in the chapter? Give support for your answer.



The Wizard

page 182


  1. How did Ardwin prove to Belarius that he is strong?

2. What do Belarius and Ardwin have in common?

3. What does Belarius reveal to Ardwin at the end of the chapter?



Secrets and a Tale

page 188

1. What do you think Belarius’ intentions are? How do you know?

2. Who is Padriac? What does he represent?



Horse and Guests

page 201


  1. Describe the horse using details from the novel.





page 208


  1. Why do you think Belarius doesn’t tell Ardwin everything he knows about the future when giving his advice?




page 220 


  1. How did an owl help Ardwin? Who/What do you think the owl is?



Footprints in the Snow

Page 225


  1. What does it mean when the author writes, “one false step and he knew he would fall”? What decision do you think Ardwin should make? Why?



Apple Valley

Page 236


1. What does the girl say  that shows she would be accepting of Ardwin’s birdwing?

2.  Who are Sniccan, Wearg, Snorg, and Narg? What are they like? How do they anger Ardwin?

3. How did Ardwin win the fight? What did Ardwin warn?

4. What represents man’s destruction of nature for its own use in this chapter?

5. What do we learn about the goose girl?


Schemes and Swards

page 244



Page 256


  1. Why do you think Ardwin doesn’t reveal the source of the tavern fight? Why does Horse want him to?


A Severed Wing


1. What has happened to Alene? What plan do the giants have?

2. What is the plan of the attack?


The Severed Wing

page 268


The Road to War

page 276



Blood and Fire

Page 280

  1. What realization or epiphany does Ardwin have during the fight? How is this life changing for him?

2. What do we learn about the owl? Is this what you expected? Explain.




page 299


  1. How does Ardwin begin to show confidence?


The Long Winding Road 

page 307


Jiggity Jig

page 314


When the Wind Blows

page 321



page 332



Belarius on the Mountain

page 336


1. What keeps Belarius from helping Ardwin? Provide at least two reasons from the novel.

2. In what way did Belarius help Ardwin before?




Page 339



  1. What do we discover about Alene’s history? How is this ironic?


The Story that Shortens the Road

page 348


  1. Give at least three reasons why this novel ends, “happily ever after.”



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