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All About Me Potato Head Project

August 24, 2020

By Ariel 

August 24, 2020


          My Potato Head is wearing a black helmet because my favorite thing to do is to ride horses. This is why my background theme is horses. The horse camp I went to was so much fun! This is how to groom a horse.


          First take the curry comb. The curry comb removes all of the dirt, dust, and all the old hair off of the horse's body. Do not curry the horse's face! They may bite! The next brush is the hard brush. The hard brush removes all of the tangles out of the horse's hair. Again, do not brush the horse's face! The last brush is the soft brush. This brust removes all the dirt, dust, and old hair that the curry comb missed.  


          Before putting the  saddle on the horse and go for a ride, pick out the horse's hoof! The hoof pick should have a pointed end and a brush. The hoof pick will get all of the dirt, hay, rocks or anything that can get stuck in the horse's hoof. Do not hurt the horse when picking out their hoof. Watch out for the triangle in the middle of their hoof. That is called the frog. That is the soft spot of their hoof! Doon't pick it out!


By Teagan 

August 23, 2020


         My Mrs Potato is special, because it represents the things and people I love and enjoy in life.   The hat represents my immense passion for animals.  I want to be a veterinarian so I can help animals that are hurt or sick.  I’ve been wanting to be a vet for as long as I can remember! 

        I made the glasses out of pipe cleaner.  The glasses illustrate my near-sightedness. Near-sightedness is when you can't see things far away, but you can see things up close.  

The earrings serve as a memory of my 7th birthday when we went to Claires to get them pierced.  Surprisingly, it didn't hurt for me. It just burned, really badly.

        I love fishing with my dad too! It's so exciting. I never know what fish I’m going to get, or stick for that matter.

The bracelet on my Mrs Potato head has nine beads on it.  These nine beads represent me and my family! I have three brothers and three sisters, Mom and Dad too!  I admit they can be a pain sometimes.  It's hard to keep up with them!

        Talking about keeping up with stuff, I have twenty-five chickens, fourteen ducks, one goose, two dogs, one inside cat and five outside cats.

        There is a paint palette to express my passion for drawing and painting, I use my drawing pad almost every day! 

        My shoes are supposed to be my tennis shoes, I run in them all day!  By the end of the year my shoes are all beat up and dirty. 

        I also love playing sports, I play softball almost every year! Too bad COVID ruined it all.  

       Oh the cat? The cat on the board is supposed to be my favorite pet, Meatball! Meatball is a really fat and fluffy cat! He can be really weird sometimes.  My dad says he plays rough, almost like a dog. 

Cowgirl Potato

By Ava

August 23, 2020


My Aunt Danielle loved to ride horses, but when I was 4 she died of health problems. She was in a wheelchair her whole life but now she is happy in heaven.Cowgirls are really cool because they ride really fast. The Items I used were a part of an old cowgirl shirt to represent that I am a cool cowgirl. I also used a pair of denim shorts to match my cowgirl shirt. Then I cut out a corner of a handkerchief and tied it around the potato. Next I took brown fake hair and hot glued it on the top of the potato’s head to represent Aunt Danielle’s brown hair. Then I took an old bow and cut it and glued it. Then I made it a cowgirl hat. I also used a pen to draw on the face. Lastly, I took two thumb tacks then pushed them into the potato to made arms. That is how I made my awesome cowgirl potato.

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Tater Speech

By Avah


This is me as an actress because I’ve always wanted to be one when I grow up. Emma Watson, a famous actress, inspired me because she is really good at acting and does a great job.

I chose a simple potato for my project. The hair is made out of spaghetti because I’ve always wanted to be blond. The eyes are made out of cheese cut into a star shape with googly eyes on them because I’m starry eyed. The nose is made out of broccoli because I smell out trouble to keep me out of it. The mouth is made out of a strawberry because I’m always speaking sweetly of others. Finally, I’m wearing a sparkly new dress because it’s the Red Carpet.

This is me at the Red Carpet. It’s the Oscar Awards in Hollywood. I won an Oscar. Now people are taking pictures. As you can see on the wall it has a curtain and it says Hollywood. There are stars everywhere. There is the GIANT Oscar trophy in the corner surrounded by a golden rope. Here I am getting my award.


August 24, 2020      


         I love playing basketball. My favorite number is 2 because my favorite basketball player is Lebron James. I love playing basketball myself and I’m really good at playing it.  I play basketball at Hendrix Park. Last year I played with the Jacket. I have been playing basketball since I was 2 years old.   My first  game was when I was 3 years old. I can shoot threes, lay ups and so much more. 

         The reason why Lebron James is my favorite basketball player is because he is the greatest of all time.  He is the GOAT.  I want to be like him when i grow up. I’m already kind of like him because last time I played,  I scored 15 points in the first quarter. 

        My potato is wearing purple and yellow  because I like the Lakers. The Sour Patch Kids represents fans.  I used Play Dough for details.

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August 25th,2020

By Ella Tinsley


This is my potato head project!I chose to put on this bathing suit because I love to go to the beach and swim, play in the sand with my family.  It reminds me of my sister. She likes mermaids!


Then I gave my potato this hair to represent the colors of my hair. When I went to get my hair dyed, I got it with my sister and a friend! My friend thought it was really cool. My sister got red and I got blue,my favorite color! We got our hair dyed at the brave salon. Mom’s friend did our hair for us there.


The eyes are sparkly blue gems, like my eyes! I like the sparkly design. It shows my bright personality, and how much I love gems and blue things!


My potato is holding food in its hand,because I absolutely love Chick-fil-a! When we get Chick-fil-a, I usually get chicken nuggets and french fries and Dr. Pepper.


She is holding a Harry Potter wand because I loved the time when me and my family went to Universal Studios in Orland. We got wands. They were really expensive! I do really appreciate my parents for getting us wands. It was really neat casting spells on things. Seeing them do their thing was really cool! When we got to Universal, we got a lot of candy, even a chocolate wand! My sister and I shared it because it was “a lot of chocolate for one person, ” my mom said.


August 24, 2020


         This potato head was made using a potato, 4 straws, cloth, cotton puffs, and googly eyes. He is a comedian who hides himself as a dancer. For anyone who does not know what a comedian is, it is a person who makes jokes. His hair is all puffed out like a funky dancer and his mustache is like a biker. Sometimes if he is bored he makes beats or plays the drums.

         He dances, makes beats, and is a comedian because that is the stuff I like to do for fun. 

I started to like dancing this year because it felt good. When I was like 8 or 9 I started to like to make beats. Finally I wanted him to be a comedian because ever since I was like 5, I started to make jokes other people like. Jokes that are not always bathroom humor. Most of the time it is my family and I, mainly my sisters and brothers, talking about people in our school, or about people we saw at the Harvey”s or at some hardware store. 

         He has a mustache because I like bikers. Bikers are so cool, when I grow up I want to have motorcycles because they are so fabulous. The motorcycle I want the most is a Lightning LS-218, because it is the fastest motorcycle in 2004. Finally he has an afro because I like how afros make dancers get more attention. On his clothes it says turbine service because of  my dad.

           I started off by drawing all this out. First I put on the hair and googly eyes, after that I took a knife and cut off the bottom because it had two uneven lumps.Still using the knife I spun it on both sides of his body and put holes at the bottom of him. Then I  put hot glue in the holes I cut. After that I cut straws and stuck them in the bottom and side holes. Finally I finished with cloth.



 August 24, 2020

      My potato is a softball player and an artist.  I chose a softball player because I have a HUGE passion for softball.  I've wanted to play softball since I was 7. When I was in 2nd grade I would help my cousin Caidyn practice for baseball.  Every time I would spend the night with him, in the morning, we would go  outside and play baseball in his yard. My mom also played when she was a little girl. I hope covid ends so I can try out for softball!

      I also chose an artist because I like to draw or paint designs. I always ask my mom to borrow her gel pens so I can color all the designs. Every time my mom and I go to the store I ask her if I can get something to do with art. I also love painting sunsets or sunrises the most. I also like drawing cartoon characters. I'm still practicing but I'm getting better. 

The bat on my potato head is made from wire. My arms are made from a wooden thin paint brushes because even though my arms are skinny I’m still strong. I used thumb tacks for the eyes and mouth. I also used the thumb tacks to keep my softball hat and art apron because I ran out of hot glue. I use it all the time.  I hung a ball with string like a baseball was getting hit by my potato. I also used band-aids for hair because I’m super clumsy.

By Silas 

August 24, 2020


My potato head represents two things about me,  my hobbies and my career. I love basketball, and music.  Someday I may be a computer programmer.

The basketball my potato head is holding I made with a radish. This represents my love for basketball. My potato is also wearing a paper jersey that represents one of my favorite teams, the Atlanta Hawks. My name is on the back of my potato’s jersey because it is a dream of mine to one day play for the Atlanta Hawks in the NBA. 

The guitar on my potato represents my love of music.. I also play the piano. My piano teacher says I am good at rhythm. Drums need good rhythm. I hope someday I'll be able to use my talent of good rhythm by playing the drums. I want to continue to play the piano which will help me to get my rhythm even better. Also when I grow up I want to volunteer by playing the drums for a church worship team. 

Secondly, one of my future career goals is to be a computer programmer. Technology class last year allowed me to gain some programming skills. I really had a fun time programming my Lego robot cat. I also have this Nintendo switch game called Nintendo Labo where I can code. I can also build different things with cardboard pieces. 

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Equestrian Potato

By Lila

August 20, 2020


For my Mr. Potato Head I chose an equestrian. The reason I chose an equestrian is because I love horses, ever since I was little, horses were my favorite animal.  Riding is also one of my favorite activities. My mom grew up around horses. My sister did too. When my mom was younger they used to own Secretariat’s granddaughter.  They are so majestic and beautiful with their long flowy mane flapping in the wind.

To make my project I took a potato, and added the clothes one by one. Next I added the hair. It was from a doll. Every time I tried to press down on the hair the hot glue would burn my fingers. Then I added the finishing touch, the face.

By Tripp P

August 24, 2020


This is my potato. I used K’nex to forge the shoes, arms, and skateboard. I used cardboardish paper for the eyebrows, the eyes, the iris, the nose, and lastly the mouth. The skateboard and the shoes kind of represent me because I love building mildly complex K’nex builds for the fun. The potato head on the road represents me because my latest bike ride was 7.25 miles. The background embarrassingly stole 2 hours out of my life. It  kinda represents me because I like to do art every now and then.


Mr. Potato Head 

By Savannah Sims


     I put all the things I love to do in the background of my Mr. Potato Head Project. I love to collect shells, ride horses and travel. I also love dancing, beautiful flowers and sewing. Swimming is fun too.

     I love collecting shells because they all have different shapes, size, and texture. It is fun to see how all shells are different. 

     I also included horseback riding. It’s a learning experience and I might be able to find a horse to become my  best friend.. I got to go to horse camp too. When I was there I got to tack up a horse, named Moe. I would brush him with the curry comb and the  flick brush to get all the extra sand and dirt off. Then I would put the saddle pad on and then the saddle. After that I would put  his bit on him.

       I love to travel to all sorts of places with beautiful scenery. It is awesome to see a lot of things that some people might not. Two years ago, I went overseas to see my dad. We went to Atlantis in Dubai. When we were there, we saw the tallest building in the world called the Burj Khalifa. We went to all sorts of parks and rollercoasters. 

      I also love to dance. I started dancing when I was really young. I went to dance practices a lot. I had a recital every year. I would work really hard to get good at the dances. I was going to do it this year but the CoronaVirus canceled it. I was really sad.

        My favorite flowers are sunflowers because they follow the sun and that is how they mostly live. My mom and I both have a love for sunflowers. We had sunflowers growing but they sadly died. But they were still really pretty.

        I recently started to learn how to sew. I only know one stitch but it is still fun to learn. When you first start you might poke yourself a lot but over time you’ll get better. My step mother taught me. She let me make my own mask because she was making a mask for everyone in our family. Next thing I want to learn is crochet. 

        I also like swimming a lot because it is something that will pass the time. At my dad’s house we would do 20 laps before we could play pool games. We would mostly play sharks and minnows but also just tag. My sister and I play mermaids. I’m a mermaid named Flash. She would be Melanor.

       To decorate the potato, I used yellow feathers as my hair since I'm blond. I drew my body onto the potato. My earrings are music notes since I love music. My shirt is green with the words just dance because I love to dance. My pants are jeans because I mostly wear jeans.

My Squash Head

By Walker Summerford


     I made my squash head about me playing baseball. I made him a hat and clothes out of fabric. I made him with pushpins, like the original. I made his hair like mine, out of fake animal hair. I made his hands and arms out of pipe cleaners. I made his bat out of a stick that I carved.

     My squash  head is a baseball player, because I like to play baseball. He is on the Yankees Team. The Yankees are my favorite team. I enjoy baseball, because I like to hit, pitch, and catch the ball. I like to play third base in baseball. The reason I play third is because I have a strong arm and can throw from third to first.

 I also like to carve, so I carved my bat instead of making a paper one. I enjoyed my potato head project because I like to make things. I hope you liked my squash head!



By Makena Wilkins


       Welcome to spudnastics! Where we eat, sleep, and play gymnastics. I started loving gymnastics when I was just a little girl. I taught myself how to do flips. I used to do them all around the house.

       I’ve always wanted to do gymnastics, but we couldn’t find a gym near us. I decided to teach myself by watching Youtube videos. At first I taught myself how to do cartwheels. It took me about two weeks to learn how to do it. Then I learned how to do a handstand. That also took a while to learn. I also taught myself how to do splits and backbends. The backbends were the hardest.

       For my tenth birthday my mom and dad gave me a membership to a gymnastics gym. I was so happy that day! The gym is in Hinesville. We started going one Saturday, and I loved it. After we started going there a while, Coronavirus came along. The gym closed, and I couldn’t do gymnastics anymore. I hope when things go back to normal, I will learn a lot of new and exciting things. Until we go back I will continue to do tricks at home and learn new stuff from Youtube videos. I can even learn how to do contortion tricks like Sofi Dossi. I hope I can go back to my gymnastics gym soon, because I can see my friends there. I surely will have a lot of fun when I go back to the gym!   

By Jacob Williams

August 24, 2020


My potato head represents me in many ways. The basketball in my Potato head hands shows my love for sports and playing basketball. The jersey number is my favorite number of all time.It is my favorite basketball player in the NBA. The color is light blue which has been my favorite color since I was a baby. That will be my favorite color for the rest of my life. The controller on my potatoe’s other hand shows my obsessive love for Fortnite. Fortnite is one of my favorite things to do when I have free time and am playing with my friends.


By Teegan Ashley

August 24, 2020


       This potato head represents me because I have a really big interest in DJ music. Ever since I heard about the DJ named Marshmello, I was amazed.  I loved his music so much that I looked for all of the albums I could get. Then when I got older I realized maybe, just maybe I could do the same thing  he did and inspire kids like me and help them to have a bigger imagination.

       If a kid is having a bad day maybe they should just listen to a little DJ music. If they are looking for some good music for a party they should try some DJ music. That means when I get older I want to make music just like DJ Marshmello. 

To make my potato head I used colored paper, baking clay, a pipe cleaner, sticky letters, googly eyes, a paper smile, and toothpicks.

Wyatt Butler

August 24, 2020


 I started playing baseball when I was 4.  I liked it because I am good at it and it’s fun with my friends. My favorite position on the field is short stop. I like shortstop the most because it has a lot of action. Another reason I like baseball is because my friends play it with me. The final reason I like baseball is I want to get better to maybe make it into the Major Leagues.

 I used chess pawns as the legs.  I made the clothes out of construction paper. I made the mouth with tacs and the arms with skewers. The eyes are googly eyes. The nose is made out of a heart. Both the bat and the ball were made out of construction paper.

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